

The syllabus page has the syllabus, the course summary, and the sidebarThe Syllabus (found in the Course Navigation menu) is a place where your instructors can post course expectations and information. The Syllabus also populates with a list of assignments and events of the course; this option can be turned off by the instructor. Some instructors may choose to publish a document within the Syllabus tool for you to download. If your course has weighted grades, you can also view the weights. 

The Course Syllabus section may contain course description, course introduction, course policies and guidelines, grading scale, and important policies for Snow College. It is important to refer to the syllabus description often as the course continues. 

The Course Summary (if turned on by your instructor) shows all the assignments and events. Assignments are indicated by the assignments icon (). Events are indicated by the calendar icon (). Non-graded items show as "to do:". You should be aware that clicking these links will take you directly to the assignment or event and not to any corresponding learning material. You need to be sure to read or view any materials that will help you prepare for the assignments and exams.

The Sidebar has a monthly view calendar; the dates that correspond to assignments or events are displayed with a gray background. If the course uses grade weights, you will see those weights here. 


Not all instructors will use this syllabus tool to post the syllabus. You are responsible for knowing where your instructor has posted the course syllabus. 


If you would like more information about the course syllabus, see the Syllabus Student Guide Links to an external site. from Canvas. 

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