Keys to Being a Successful Online Student

Key 1: Read the Syllabus

The syllabus contains important information for your success in any class. It contains the assignments, the required materials, and usually some form of schedule. It will also contain any policies and expectations for the course. You should check it regularly. 

Key 2: Subscribe to Discussions and Announcements

Canvas allows you to subscribe to announcements and discussion board posts so that you know when new content is provided in either place. Announcements are common ways for instructors to reach the entire class with updates and upcoming assignments and events. In a face to face class, the instructor can remind you in-person of upcoming things; in an online course, the instructor does this through announcements. 

Subscribing to discussion boards will help you to know when people post to your posts so that you can reply and engage in discussions. Good discussions are going to involve more than just an initial post and a reply to someone else. Good discussions are engaging with each others' ideas and their experiences. Setting your notifications for discussion boards will help you engage with others in your course. 

The "How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as a student? Links to an external site." will help you with setting these notifications. 

Key 3: Create a Learning Environment

Computer and notebook on a deskYou might wonder why creating a learning space instead of just plopping down on the couch and studying there. The couch might work, but a designated learning environment helps to minimize distractions, provide a space for needed supplies and materials, and helps establish a learning routine. 

Creating a learning environment helps you recognize that learning is a priority and have a space for learning and a space for other activities, such as sleep and recreation. Below are some simple ways that you can help create a learning environment in your apartment or home:

  1. Have a designated space for learning. Instead of thinking in terms of square footage, think in terms of where you can create consistency for your studies.
  2. Have a decluttered space. As you declutter, be sure to include the materials that you will need (e.g., paper, pens, highlighter, calculator, etc.).
  3. Remove distractions. Common distractions that online students face include video streaming, social media, and even your pet. 
  4. Create a comfortable space but not one that will invite you to sleep.
  5. Don't be afraid to include motivational visual space. Maybe it is a picture of your future job or putting a few pictures of your family. Maybe it is sitting next to the window so that you can look out and see the old oak tree. 
  6. Lighting can help you focus on learning the material. 

Key 4: Be Proactive

To be successful in your courses, it is recommended that you are proactive in your learning. Some common ways online students can be proactive include:

  1. Check your Canvas Inbox and emails regularly;
  2. Log into your classes regularly (4 or 5 times per week);
  3. Keep in contact with your instructor through Canvas messages and viewing all announcements;
  4. Allow time for your instructor to respond (24 to 48 hours is typical);
  5. Interact with your classmates regularly through discussion boards, messages, and creating groups;
  6. When you have questions, reach out to your instructor earlier than later;
  7. Review what you are studying throughout the week;
  8. Apply what you learn.

Key 5: You are Not Alone

Man smiling while interacting on the computerOne of the commonly reported experiences of online students is the feeling that they are alone in learning the material. In a face to face class it is easier to stay after class and ask a question or to talk to a neighbor about what you don't understand. In an online course, you can still ask questions and get help. Asking questions is vital to learning. Ask your instructor or fellow classmates. If you have technology questions or issues, reach out to the Snow Help Desk. Don't get discouraged because there are many people who want you to succeed. You are not in this alone!

Key 6: Take Responsibility

There are many people who want to help you succeed. Ultimately, though, you are responsible for your own learning and success. You are responsible for reading the material, watching any videos, and seeking clarifications. You are responsible for knowing when assignments are due and how to complete them on time. You need to know how and where your tests will be administered. It is your job to take action and make things happen! You can do this!

Snow Online