Search Canvas Guides

Search Canvas Guides

To find out more about a particular feature or aspect of Canvas, visit the Canvas Guides Links to an external site. webpage. In the student guides, you can find topics in the table of contents or you can either type in a search term in the search box.

Using the Table of Contents

After opening up the Canvas Guides page, you will see a Table of Contents Links to an external site. that lists various topics about Canvas. Here you can click on a topic and it will show you specific guides related to the topic you're learning about. Clicking on the topic will take you to a full list of articles that relate to that topic. 

Searching for a Topic

Canvas Guides - Search ResultsYou can also use the  "Search the Community" bar to search for any guide, discussion, or other users' questions about a Canvas-related topic.

Say I wanted to learn more about the modules tab, how I can see it and what I can do with it. I would just use the search bar and type "Modules".

I then see that there are 5000 results from my search. Many of them are from Canvas themselves, but there are also many from other users, including their advice, questions, and answers to questions.

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