Snow College Syllabus Policies

Snow College Syllabus Policies

Academic Integrity

Snow College expects all students to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, and requires students to submit work for academic credit that reflects their own learning, skills, and best efforts. A student who cheats, commits fraud, or plagiarizes is in violation of this principle. Academic Dishonesty or any violation of Academic Integrity are not tolerated by the College. 

All academic work a student submits in a course must be their own work and must not have been submitted for academic credit in any other course unless the student has written permission from both faculty members.

Additionally, a student is committing plagiarism when they borrows information without proper attribution or uses information, language, or work completed by others and submits it as one's own work.  Any form of plagiarism will negatively affect the student’s grade and may result in further sanctions.

If a student has any questions regarding whether the work they plan to submit is acceptable for course credit, they are encouraged to contact the instructor or consult the full academic integrity policy Links to an external site..


Accommodations through the Office of Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services is designed to provide all individuals with disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), appropriate academic adjustments, reasonable accommodations, and/or auxiliary aids where necessary to allow equal opportunity to participate and enjoy the benefit of services, programs, and activities conducted by Snow College.

To apply for services, a student must contact the Director of Disability Services to set up an in-person appointment by calling 435-283-7321 or visiting Disability Services in the Student Success Office of the Greenwood Student Center (GSC).



Snow College encourages students to actively participate in their classes by adhering to the policies and schedules presented in class syllabi. Students who do not attend class during the first week, do not submit assignments, and who have not contacted their instructor may be removed from the class via an administrative drop (AD), which removes the class from the student’s schedule.

Students who have attended class or submitted an assignment and stop attending without officially withdrawing from a class may be assigned an unofficial withdrawal (UW), which counts as an F. Students may drop a course after having attended by submitting a drop form before the final day to withdraw from classes.

Details and contacts for questions are available on the  college’s registration page Links to an external site..


Belonging and Support

Snow College welcomes and supports all students, employees, and guests. This is essential to a vibrant learning community and integral to our institutional mission. We are determined to foster an environment of openness and respect for the many individual strengths that enrich the Snow College experience.


Excused Absences

While consistent class attendance and participation are essential to academic success, there are occasions where a student is not able to attend due to an excused absence.  It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the instructor an opportunity to complete missed assignments, activities, and labs that will be missed during excused absences. Students should notify the instructor in writing at the earliest advanced notice of the classes they will miss due to an excused absence. In cases where advance notification is not feasible (e.g., accident or emergency), the student must provide notification by the end of the second working day after the absence. At the discretion of the instructor, as outlined in the course syllabus, documentation affirming the date and time of the excused absence may be required. Upon request, instructors are responsible for providing students with a reasonable and equitable opportunity to complete work due to an excused absence. 

To see what qualifies as an excused absence and for more details, please see the complete excused absence policy Links to an external site..


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Snow College values the privacy of its students and complies with the FERPA law.  Under this statute, faculty and staff are prohibited from discussing the academic record of students with anyone (except appropriate College officials), including the student’s parent/guardian, without written consent of the student.

If a student wishes to grant permission for College employees to discuss their academic record with anyone, they shall complete and submit the form found at the Permission Form Links to an external site..


Generative AI

Snow College is committed to remaining on the forefront of new and exciting technology in our ever-changing and fast-paced world. The introduction of easy to use and globally accessible generative artificial intelligence (A.I.), such as ChatGPT, DALL-E-2, etc. marks a turning point in how we will search the internet, make decisions, and research for years to come. Snow College is eager to be a part of this next generation of technical innovation.

Snow College values complex and critical thought, originality, and creative exploration—which aligns with our institutional mission. To this end, this institution makes the following statement: Snow College strongly values academic integrity and understands that classes may permit the use of this technology in different ways or not at all—the college encourages dialogue between professors and students to find academically responsible solutions that work best for individual classes. The institution reaffirms the core principles outlined in the Snow College Academic Integrity Policy and expects students to engage in academic work that is free of cheating, fraud, or plagiarism.


Non Discrimination Statement

Snow College is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic.

In accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, Snow College prohibits discrimination in all its programs, activities, and employment practices. This applies to admissions, educational programs, athletics, employment, and access to facilities.

Snow College administration, faculty, and staff are committed to creating an environment where every individual is treated with dignity and fairness, and where respect and mutual understanding are paramount. Any form of discrimination or harassment is not tolerated and will be addressed promptly and effectively.

In addition, Title IX of the Education Amendments specifically prohibits sex discrimination in federally supported programs. In order to comply with Title IX, Snow College affirms its commitment to this policy by prohibiting any form of sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, sexual violence such as rape, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, coercion, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Local, state, and federal laws will be enforced on Snow’s campuses.

The aforementioned Federal laws prohibit covered entities from retaliating against a person who files a charge of discrimination, participates in a discrimination proceeding, or otherwise opposes an unlawful employment practice.


Religious Observance

Snow College fosters an environment of inclusion for all students, including students of faith. All faculty are required to give reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students requesting them on grounds of religious observation Links to an external site.. Students requesting accommodations should notify the faculty in writing by the end of the second full week of classes or as soon as possible after dates are announced during the semester. Faculty will work with students to determine mutually acceptable alternative methods for completing the missed classroom time, lab, or activity.


Safety and Title IX

Snow College values fostering a campus community that is safe, promotes the well-being of all individuals and adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in institutions of higher education. If you have questions about Title IX or concerns about possible sex discrimination (i.e. on the basis of sex or gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy, etc.) or sexual misconduct, please contact the Snow College Title IX Coordinator at 435.283.7120,, Noyes Building, Room 233.

For more information visit the Snow College Title IX website Links to an external site..


Sensitive Course Content

Because the purpose of higher education is to promote growth and learning, the content of college courses may contain necessary but sensitive information. Students who experience trauma or triggers due to sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other emotional distress in a course, should contact the Title IX Office at or at 435-283-7257. Students may also contact the Wellness Center by the Business Building, phone number 435-283-7136. 

Students will still be held responsible for all academic requirements including attendance and assignments.