What is Canvas?


Canvas is a web-based learning management system (LMS). It is a place where your instructors can manage learning materials (like readings, videos, presentations) and learning assessments (like assignments, discussion boards, and quizzes). Canvas is also a place where your instructors can communicate with you (through Announcements and the Inbox) and you can communicate with them (through the Inbox). You will also find a calendar with all of the due dates for courses that are using Canvas. You will also find a space for the syllabus. 

You can access Canvas from the Snow homepage Links to an external site. by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner and then clicking on "MySnow". Your Canvas login is the same that you use for your Snow email or logging into Badger Web.

Snow homepage with "MySnow" highlighted.

At Snow College, all courses use Canvas to record grades and as a communication tool.


Caution: Using MySnow

You should only access Canvas by logging in through MySnow and not searching for "Snow College Canvas". Searching for Canvas will not connect to Snow College's login information. It will show that you do not have an account. 

Canvas Overview for Students (3:30)

Snow Online