Time Management & Self-Discipline

Regardless of which delivery method you are using to take courses, time management and self-discipline are some of the most essential skills a student can develop. These skills are important as a student and as a future employee. There are many different time management techniques Links to an external site. that you might choose from. If you have one that works, apply it to your online learning; if you don't have one, experiment until you find one that works for you.

Time Management Skills

Below are a list of skills that contribute to your ability to manage your time better. Click on each of the 4 tabs (or hyperlinks, if using the Canvas app) to see to all of the suggestions.

Plan Your Week

At the beginning of each week, look at all your classes and consider the tasks that are coming up. Be sure you look at more than just the Canvas task list because you don't want to forget readings and other activities that might not have a due date. Think about a priority order for your tasks and estimate how long each will take. Figure out how to schedule your tasks during the week.

Write down a list so that you don't forget what to do and when you plan to do it. This could be done in a prioritized list or on a weekly calendar. Writing down your tasks will help you keep track of all of your courses and activities in one place. Budget extra time to ensure that you have time to complete each of the tasks.

Some people find it helpful to schedule in breaks, too.

Create a Routine and Schedule

In a face to face class, you would know that you are expected to be in class on certain days and at certain times. You might have a regular time to be at work. In an online course, there is more flexibility when you learn the material and do the assignments. If you create a regular routine and schedule of when you do your online school work, it will help you to not feel as overwhelmed. You will also be in a better position to plan out the tasks for the week because you will know what time you have available and how to use it to complete tasks for class.

Use Your Learning Environment

You have already learned about creating a good learning environment that will work in your space. Part of managing time is using your learning environment for learning. Your use of time will be improved if you keep your learning environment organized. It will also help in your time management if you let others know that when you are in your learning environment, that you are studying or working on assignments for class. This can help diminish distractions.

Self-Discipline Skills

two people running up a mountainAfter you have thought about time management skills, it is important to develop the self-discipline to stick to them. How do you develop long lasting self-discipline to avoid distractions and working on multiple things at once?

You might consider working up to a more self-disciplined way of studying. Some people would consider this endurance training, something that athletes do to build up to longer levels of exertion. Start by working in smaller chunks of time and then gradually increase the time so that you are practicing incrementally.

Some keys to developing better self-discipline include:

  • Start by taking small steps and actions;
  • Be willing to push yourself beyond what you normally do;
  • Recognize when others can help you focus or push a little longer;
  • Don't be afraid to set a timer and then increase the increments; and
  • Remember to take a break regularly too;

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