Student Expectations

Woman studying on her bedYou will find that the expectations for you as an online student are not that different from being a face to face student. In order to be successful, you should:

Netiquette Guidelines

"Netiquette" is a term describing how to interact with others in an online environment, such as on a discussion board or in emails. I expect all of these guidelines to be followed by everyone in the course. It is my expectation that you will follow these guidelines:

  1. You should participate in the learning activities, such as discussions and group tasks.  
  2. As you encounter errors or glitches, report them to me so that I can address them and let your course mates know of the solution.
  3. When you type, you want to be concise and stay on the topic of the communication.
  4. All writing (papers, emails, discussion posts, etc.) should use proper writing style.
  5. You are expected to respect the diversity inside and outside of this classroom.
  6. It is important to avoid YELLING! in your written communications.
  7. In discussion boards, you should avoid repetition.
  8. Write in ways that avoid plagiarism by citing your sources.
  9. Using emojis and texting lingo can be confusing and convey the wrong message.
  10. Criticism should be constructive and and articulate.

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