Checking Your Grades

As you complete assignments and quizzes, Canvas will record your scores. You can view your grades in the course by clicking on "Grades" in the course navigation menu. From the "Grades" menu, you will be able to see the scores, assignment details, comments, and rubrics. This page will provide an overview of the grades. 

Viewing Grades

View of student grades.  

To view the grades in the course, click on the "Grades" link in the course navigation menu. When your grades are displayed, you will see the following:

  1. The course you are viewing grades for;
  2. How you want to arrange the assignments (whether by due date, module, assignment group, or assignment title);
  3. Apply the sorting settings;
  4. The name of the assignments;
  5. The due date for all assignments;
  6. The assignment status;
  7. The score you have on the assignment or assignment icons that show grading in progress; 
  8. The points possible on the assignment;
  9. The link for instructor comments;
  10. Assignment icons Links to an external site. for assignments still being graded; and
  11. Print grades.


For more information, see the "How do I view assignment comments from my instructor Links to an external site." student guide from Canvas. 

What-If Calculator

Canvas allows you to estimate your grades based on "What-if" scores you might get on upcoming assignments or resubmissions of assignments. You are able to enter test scores for an assignment that may already have a score or waiting to be graded. 

To use the "What-If Calculator", open your grades by clicking on "Grades" in the course navigation. In the right-hand side bar, you will notice the total score for the course (displayed in either points or as a percentage). You will also notice a check-box to "Calculate based only on graded assignments." This checkbox is selected by default. If you want to view the total grade including ungraded assignments, you will want to uncheck this box. 

To enter a "What-If" score, find the assignment in the list and click on the "Score" cell that corresponds to that assignment. You will then be allowed to enter a hypothetical score for that assignment. The Grades page should update with that hypothesized score. 

To revert back to the original gradebook, click on the left-facing arrow next to the "What-If" score you just entered. 

For more information about how to view grades, see the Grades Student Guides Links to an external site. from Canvas.

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