Viewing Feedback

Your instructor could provide feedback on assignments and quizzes. Feedback is part of the communication between you and your instructor. Feedback helps you to know if you are understanding the material; reflect on what you have learned, especially thinking about what you do not understand; consider what you still need to learn; and find areas for improving in the future. Reviewing and implementing feedback is a part of becoming a successful student. 

Assignment Feedback

To view feedback on submitted assignments:

  1. Click on "Grades" in the Course Navigation menu;
  2. Find the assignment that you wish to view the comments for;
  3. Click on the assignment title to open the assignment summary;
  4. You can see the comments from your instructor as well as the time the comments were posted;
  5. Any comments submitted by your instructor or by you will appear in the comment sidebar;
  6. The sidebar will also show your grade and the rubric;
  7. Some instructors might include comments in the rubric Links to an external site. which can be accessed by clicking on the rubric button at the top;
  8. If your assignment included a file submission, your instructor might include comments and annotations in the document itself Links to an external site. . These comments can be viewed by clicking "View Feedback;"

For more information, see the "How do I view assignment comments from my instructor Links to an external site." student guide from Canvas. 

Quiz Feedback

Instructors might also provide feedback in quizzes that you have taken. You can get feedback for the entire quiz or for each individual question. 

Individual Questions

To view the results of the quiz, including feedback for individual questions:

  1. Open the quiz by clicking on name in either "Quizzes" or in the module it was found in;
  2. You will see the attempt history (if you are allowed more than one attempt);
  3. In the right corner, you will see the results of the latest attempt;
    1. You will see the time the last attempt took,
    2. You will see the score you earned, and
    3. You will see if any questions have not been graded. 
  4. You can view the questions from the quiz below the attempt summary;
  5. You will see any feedback on the question below the question. 

Whole Quiz Feedback

To view comments for an entire quiz:

  1. Click on "Grades" in the Course Navigation menu;
  2. Find the quiz that you wish to view the comments for;
  3. Click on the quiz title to open the quiz summary;
  4. You can see the comments from your instructor as well as the time the comments were posted;
  5. Any comments submitted by your instructor or by you will appear in the comment sidebar;
  6. The sidebar will also show your grade and the rubric;
  7. If your instructor has attached a rubric to the quiz, there might also be comments about the quiz in the rubric. 

If you would like more information, see the "How do I view quiz comments from my instructor Links to an external site. " student guide from Canvas.

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