Manage Personal Files

As a student, you have the ability to store files (like documents, images, and presentations) in Canvas. From Canvas you can view the files, the size of the file, and a preview. As a student, you will get your own personal "User Files" and any files that belong to groups you are part of.  

Finding & Using Your User Files

To open your personal Files:

  1. Click on "Account" in the global navigation menu;
  2. Click on Files 

On the left of the screen, you will notice all of your Files folders. On the right side you will find the details about the Files. At the bottom left, you can also view your storage space. The My Files folder creates folders based on default events in Canvas. Once you upload a file related to one of these areas, the folder and accompanying file will be created for you. The following list might be of assistance:

  • Conversation attachments - Stores files that you attach to Inbox messages
  • Data exports - ZIP files created when you download assignment submissions from all your courses
  • Profile pictures - Stores all profile pictures you upload
  • Submission - Contains copies of all assignment submissions submitted to Canvas and not an external tool (like Pearson or Cengage)
  • Unfiled - Stores files attached to discussion threads

You will see files for courses (if you instructor allows you to see these files) and files for groups of which you are a member.

Student - Files Overview (3:27)

This video from Canvas walks you through the steps of changing your notification preferences in Canvas. 

If you have additional questions about Files in Canvas, visit the Files Student Guides from Canvas.

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