Using ReadSpeaker in Canvas

Text-to-speech technology through ReadSpeaker has been made available to all students in Canvas. Using ReadSpeaker in Canvas does not require any additional download. 

How to Use ReadSpeaker

The following video produced by ReadSpeaker. It will demonstrate how to launch and use ReadSpeaker in Canvas.

ReadSpeaker Options

ReadSpeaker options menu.

When you launch ReadSpeaker, you will notice that you can listen by clicking the "Play" button. You will also have ability to personalize your usage more in the three-line menu to the left. 

  • Settings: The settings allow you to change the text highlighting, scrolling, pop-up menu for selected texts, and when to close the pop-up menu for selected text. You can also change text size, font, text color, and spacing. 
  • Reading Language: At Snow College we have 4 language options, two female and two male. All 4 are based on American speakers.
  • Click and Listen: This allows you to have ReadSpeaker start reading a paragraph by clicking anywhere in that paragraph.  
  • Enlarge Text: This will display the sentence being read in a larger text size at the bottom of the screen.  
  • Form Reading: This allows you to determine if online forms will be read aloud.
  • Text Mode: This tool opens a dialog window with the current page in a text oriented version. Images will continue to be shown. 
  • Page Mask: This tool will dim the page except for a highlighted sections that follows the mouse or finger. 
  • Download mp3: This will allow you to download an mp3 version of the page or selected text. 
  • Help: Provides additional information about the ReadSpeaker tool.

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