Course Syllabus
PHYS 2225, Physics for Scientists and Engineers II Laboratory
Spring 2021 Thursday; 1:30-4:20 GRSC 341
Instructor: Dr. Larry Smith GRSC 311 283-7520
Snow College Master Course Syllabus:
Goals: The hands-on learning of physics is a lot of fun. The goals are to help students further understand concepts from the lecture section, give students practice using equipment and making measurements, to help students learn to analyze data, and to improve the ability of the students to communicate scientific results clearly.
Text: PHYS 2225 Experiments lab packet. Purchase the $10 voucher from the Snow College Bookstore and redeem it with the teacher.
Other Materials: A scientific calculator. Recommended: your own protractor and metric ruler.
Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in PHYS 2220.
Labs: The labs are the main component of this course (PHYS 2225) and will give you hands-on experience to complement the book and the lecture (PHYS 2220) discussions. The write-ups are generally due at the beginning (1:29) of the next lab period. Late labs are worth 50% up to one week late; thereafter they will receive no credit; no late labs will be accepted after April 19.
Help: You are encouraged to see me during my posted office hours and at other times by appointment.
Policies: Follow the links to the Americans With Disabilities (ADA) and the FERPA policies. Here are my policies regarding attendance and academic dishonesty. Please read them all.
Participation: Ask questions in lab, come to office hours, help other students. Don’t just sit back and watch during the labs––actively participate. Attend regularly; come prepared, having read the lab and associated resources on the class website beforehand. Have a great time learning about the physical world.
Quizzes: Short frequent quizzes will ascertain whether you have studied the experiment before coming to lab, including the web site.
Final Exam: The final is Thursday, April 29, during the last lab class period in GRSC 341 (simultaneously with the last lab).
Grading: Participation/Attitude 10% Quizzes 15%
Lab Write-Ups 60% Final Exam 15%